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Service and Support

Purple Support Plan

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The Purple Support Plan from Hear Room offers all-encompassing support and assistance for your educational institution's assistive listening systems, ensuring they operate optimally within the classroom and during daily social interactions. Our comprehensive package includes specialised guidance, educational workshops, regular software enhancements, ongoing maintenance, and prompt technical support.

Regardless of the origin of your assistive listening equipment, be it directly from Hear Room or an alternative provider; our devoted team pledges unwavering support in enhancing its functionality. This commitment ensures you achieve maximum advantage from your technology investment.

Advisory Visiting Teachers for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (AVT-DHH) plans stand ready to enhance your and your school's experience with tailored product support training and beyond. If you're looking to bolster support across a network of AVT-DHH, we're here to discuss customised package options. Reach out to discover how we can assist.




Subscribe to Support Plan

Get in touch to subscribe to the Hear Room Support Plan via invoice or if you need pricing for bulk subscriptions for a hub of AVT-DHH.

Purple Support Plan (PSP)

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Points of contact

Call: +61 731 300 311

SMS: +61 424 077 995