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Hearing Augmentation Receiver Calculator



NCC 2022 Volume One
D4D8 Hearing augmentation

This Calculator is to assist with the numerical requirements of receivers when provided in conjunction with a hearing augmentation system based on NCC 2022 D4D8

(1) A hearing augmentation system must be provided where an inbuilt amplification system, other than one used only for emergency warning, is installed—

  1. in a room in a Class 9b building; or
  2. in an auditorium, conference room, meeting room or room for judicatory purposes; or
  3. at any ticket office, teller’s booth, reception area or the like, where the public is screened from the service provider.

(2) If a hearing augmentation system required by (1) is—

  1. an induction loop, it must be provided to not less than 80% of the floor area of the room or space served by the inbuilt amplification system; or
  2. a system requiring the use of receivers or the like, it must be available to not less than 95% of the floor area of the room or space served by the inbuilt amplification system, and the number of receivers provided must not be less than—
    1. if the room or space accommodates up to 500 persons, 1 receiver for every 25 persons or part thereof, or 2 receivers, whichever is the greater; and
    2. if the room or space accommodates more than 500 persons but not more than 1000 persons, 20 receivers plus 1 receiver for every 33 persons or part thereof in excess of 500 persons; and
    3. if the room or space accommodates more than 1000 persons but not more than 2000 persons, 35 receivers plus 1 receiver for every 50 persons or part thereof in excess of 1000 persons; and
    4. if the room or space accommodates more than 2000 persons, 55 receivers plus 1 receiver for every 100 persons or part thereof in excess of 2000 persons.

(3) The number of persons accommodated in the room or space served by an inbuilt amplification system must be calculated according to D2D18.

(4) Any screen or scoreboard associated with a Class 9b building and capable of displaying public announcements must be capable of supplementing any public address system, other than a public address system used for emergency warning purposes only.


This calculator is based on NCC 2022 D4D8 Clause 2. Use it at your own risk. The Calculator Designer / Hear Room is not liable for its use.